How is living with Siamese?

The most of the time, it's like having a very demanding, very dependant child who won't stop talking until they snuggle up next to you (or on you), begin purring, and eventually nod off.

Why Siamese are so needy?

Unless there is a wonderful beam of sunlight coming through the door or window, in which case they will contentedly lay in until it gets to be time to check on you, at which point they will start calling for you, Siamese are incredibly devoted to their chosen human and desire to be where you are.

Despite their fragile appearance, Siamese cats are quite robust and weigh much more than you would expect.

Siamese cats living life as a pet

Are Siamese cats difficult?

You should anticipate having your Siamese follow you everywhere you go in your home. Despite possessing a strong vocabulary, they cannot comprehend the word "privacy." Be ready to have many conversations with your Siamese. Some people "speak" more than others (just like people). They can and will keep the conversation to themselves. Because kids will open your cabinet doors and help themselves at whim, be ready to childproof them and store those delights on the third shelf. Be ready to shower your Siamese with praise and affection because you will be rewarded tenfold in the end because you will develop an addiction to the breed and they will become your lifelong best friend and companion. Once you realise how amazing this breed is, you'll want more than one, so be prepared to own more than one Siamese. Two will always result in Siamese trouble!

Why is my Siamese cat meowing at night?

Siamese cats rarely, if ever, wail for extended periods of time unless they are in distress.

They are a gregarious breed. My long-haired lynx point occasionally visits the groomer. On the way home, she chats with me from her carrier on the passenger seat, telling me everything that happened.

When she was a small kitten, one of my other cats would frantically run back and forth between the dining room and bedroom, screaming for the release of her sister, whom I had imprisoned in the bedroom to prevent her from climbing on the dinner table. Once inside the bedroom, they both calmed down.

They don't wail all night, but they always "verbally" let you know where you are with them.

How do I get my Siamese to stop crying at night?

The cat won't simply give up in the end. Ignoring him and waiting it out would be horrible advise. Play with him before you go to sleep. Try to feed him. Get up when he meows and investigate what he wants. He meows as if trying to enter the space. Out? He may be internally bored. Isolated outside. Hungry. Thirsty. Bored. My cat was meowing for me to take her upstairs. It didn't help to ignore him. It briefly helped to yell at him. For a few minutes, I tried to hug him or give him goodies. You must discover the cause for this.

However, stop confining him to the closet. It will get worse if you do that. How would you feel if you were bored or restless and someone locked you in a closet? Panicked? Sprays are meant to relax cats, not "knock" them out. Similarly for calming collars. But they are useless. Additionally, you can try cat-safe essential oils.