What is a dessert?

Well, for me, it's a tasty after-meal treat that's sweet to satisfy your sweet tooth. should only be consumed in moderation as it usually contains a lot of undesirable additional calories. But my favourite thing to do is eat dessert. My favourite dessert is creme brulee.

Dessert and Creme brulee

Creme brulee recipe 

This dessert is a real classic from the French cuisine. Finding the right consistency for crème brulée is usually not that easy. After more than a few attempts, I believe to have found the tricks to make it turn out great.

Let me share my version with you, so that you can easily make the dessert yourself. It might not be the best there is, but everyone who tried it liked it.

Ingredients for 4 servings

400 ml high fat cream

140 ml whole milk

85 g sugar, brown or white

5 egg yolks

1 vanilla pod, the pulp, possibly also some liquid vanilla essence

Lemon zest

Sugar, fine, white, for caramelizing

Nutritional values ​​per serving

Kcal: 302

Protein: 7.81 g

Fat: 18.04 g

Carbohydrates: 27.27 g


After a long series of self-experiments, here is the optimized recipe:

Whisk the cream, milk and egg yolk and mix with the rest of the ingredients (never put the sugar on the un-whisked egg yolk, as this will make nasty little sugar and egg yolk crumbs that won't dissolve completely).
Now let everything stand for at least 30 minutes (can also be done overnight).
Fill into fireproof molds (into 4 larger molds for 4 ‘greedy’ crème brulée fans, or into 6 smaller ones) and place in the drip pan of the oven preheated to 300 ° F (150 ° C) on the middle rack.
Fill the drip pan to the brim with boiling water and let the cream set for 55 minutes. The top becomes a little blistered and brown, but doesn't matter.
Let the molds cool down. The mixture still appears wobbly straight out of the oven, but that changes once it gets cold.
Cool in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours (also works overnight).
I put the crème briefly in the freezer again before caramelizing the top, so that it is really thoroughly chilled.

Now onwards to the crackling caramel layer on top

To do this, spread about 1 tbsp fine, white sugar on each mold (you can also use brown sugar - but be careful, it burns faster).
Then, slowly and evenly flame it over with a butane torch until a smooth layer has formed.
Alternative to the culinary torch: flambé the crème brûlée in the oven

If you don't have a kitchen torch at home, you can simply preheat the oven to 390 ° F (200 ° C) using the grill function.
Now sprinkle the brown sugar on the dessert and place the dessert bowls in the oven on a baking tray for a few minutes until they turn brown on top.
Caution: It is best to always keep an eye on the oven, as the dessert burns quickly.
Before serving, decorate the desserts with cherries, mixed berries, mint leaves, vanilla flower, cinnamon sticks, nuts, chocolate pieces, or anything else that you desire. Let your creativity run wild!

Is baklava good for health or not?

Baklava is a particularly calorie-dense meal that is very sweet and made entirely with butter. So, one or two bits are acceptable. However, if you have too much baklava, you will feel sluggish and heavy thereafter. Therefore, it contains butter fat and empty calories from refined bread and sugar. Take just enough of it.

What is panna Cotta and his benefits?

I think one of those overrated sweets is panna cotta. Gelatine is used to set the cream-based Italian dessert, which is typically topped with berries or coulis (blended fruit that is passed through a strainer). If you want to try this out, there are a tonne of recipes available online. For panna cotta to have the ideal wobble after setting, the ratio of gelatin to cream must be just correct. It should only be barely set.

Dessert near me

You daily ask what is the dessert near me but you never get answer! Well here you can get your favorite dessert fast. 
There are two ways one is search on Google map and second just simply visit this website and order your favorite dessert.